I think I've mentioned Kaffe Fasset before (for such a talented man, his website is not groovy), but I might not have mentioned Brandon Mably (ditto, but I've linked to it anyhow - take a look at the fabrics and drool). . . as you can see from the lovely Brandon's sweater, I am once more in the throws of a creative dilemma
(well, not exactly - my dilemma has nothing to do with his sweater, especially since I am crocheting and not knitting at the moment) (didn't know I could crochet? neither did I! but it's fairly easy to teach yourself one or two easy stitches, and so I did and hence my dilemma)
still with me boys? good. . . persevere
anyhoo, in my spare time, I've been crocheting granny squares. . .
not quite like that (I wish!). . . actually if I could wish, I'd be crocheting this:
(hang on in there, gentlemen, this will all be worth while if you bear with me)
so, having had a bit of spare time recently, I've amassed a goodly collection of said squares and was going to turn them into a shawl thing (you know, how the older generation like to keep warm? irrespective of fashion, in the case of a crocheted shawl) only Mini-Teen has now highjacked them and wants me to turn them into a hippy skirt (you know, how the younger generation don't care about warmth, only fashion? and - by bizarre coincidence, the timing of which is odd - since I've learnt to crochet the trendy shops are full of crocheted stuff) (haven't noticed? now you will!)
when the squares were going to be a shawl, they were going to be vaguely rainbowishly arranged (I haven't crocheted a rainbow, but oddly I seem to have all the shades and some inbetween)
only Mini-Teen prefers a more random pattern, and nothing rainbow related at all. . .
so when I was doing a little research into that, then I came across this:
which I think you'll agree is rather marvellous (and I might borrow its theme for my next round of creative activity). . . and it's based on one of Mr Fassett's quilts:
who also created this, only it's knitting and I'm crocheting so it'll have to go on the backburner for a while. . .but before I was distracted by Messrs Mably and Fassett, I found this:
which I think you'll agree is fairly unpleasant (in that colourway and with those sleeves at least). . .
. . .but! back to the plot! I was going to say something really important to all you men out there, but now I'm distracted and can't remember what it was
oh well!
Ho ho.
Try crocheting a bikini for the summer.
one of my mother's friends gave me a crocheted bikini for my bridal shower...circa 1979. It was yellow.
I love crocheted things....although in this season of my life...I only wear crocheted sweaters.
You're crocheting!! :-)
I knew ya had it in ya. Seriously. And joining is a matter of deciding if you want to crochet a pattern into them TO join them....or simply slipstitching through the two squares to 'sew' them together (via crochet needle) without a pattern inbetween. k.....that sorta made sense to me. :-/
Oh, but you're crocheting!! :-)
Dave ah! that's what I forgot, a picture of a beach lovely in a crocheted bikini. . .
Mel ok, that's what I thought (and it makes sense to me too!)
and yes. . . I've gotten the bug
katherine. so, did you ever wear the bikini! I've found some gorgeous, delicate, tempting freeform crochet in this book, but it's a little out of my league at the moment!
That was sneaky. I was waiting for the man stuff, (my namesake you know). Actually, I want a blanket, not a small throw that won't cover my feet, but a longer wider one for whan I take naps on the sofa. That blue one might do the trick, but it has to be soft, and n ot scratchy, and absorbant (I might start to drooling as I age).
Goos stuff View.
Peace to you.
Soory, that should be "good" stuff, not goos stuff.
I went back and looked. On the keyboard, the "s" is right next to the "d"/ That means, I did the fat fingered mambo yet again. I hate it when I type a letter like "r", when the word needed a letter like "k". They are nowhere near each other and then people will know I am just stupid and not fat fingered, or, I could be fat fingered AND stupid. Oh, nevermind.
I'm always mis-typing stuff, because I am wrongly fingered and incorrectly brained (as you may have worked out - but you keep coming back anyhoo, bless you)
My typos get more and more bizarre. Sometimes I get some of the letters for the next word into the current one. And sometimes 'y' and 's' get transposed - ie, tickly and tickles. And sometimes there seems to be no reason - how did 'transposed' come out as tronspose?
But the crocheting and knitting is lovely. I'm sure I left a comment on it before - maybe I tronsposed it?
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