competition time (again!)

yes! it's name that bird. . . (you know, the ones who have wings on them cos spring has sprung)
on your marks?
get set. . . GO!!


mig said...

There's a lot of tits.
And a robin, a wren and a sparrow.

Dave said...

Sorry, I was distracted by a lot of tits.

There's a kingfisher on the bottom row.

dinahmow said...

You with your tit fetish! You missed the swallow!And a pigeon. And possibly a bullfinch. Goodness me! Must you take lessons from someone in the Antipodes!
(Doan fink I can do no more'n vem ones!)

Spadoman said...

Where? Where are the tits?

Dave said...

There's a magpie on the next to bottom row.

Mel said...

There's a chickadee and a house finch and a bazillion sparrows...a sparrow hawk, some wrens, a blue jay, a red-breasted woodpecker, a mourning dove and a pigeon, a magpie, crow and a raven--oh.....and a nut hatch or two and a brown creepery fella. On...and a swallow or two tossed in for good measure. Maybe a bluejay--if it is, it's a not so great picture. And I think a robin of your type. And blue tit. (threw that in so Spadoman would look harder....LOL)

Gosh--NO goldfinchie fellas or cardinals for you.....I'm sad......

Unknown said...

I've always thought a good name for a bird would be Roger, or maybe Cookie. We had a parakeet named Cookie when I was very young. Nasty, mean thing.

Rimshot said...

oops, that was me ^

mig said...

Goldfinch, 3rd row down, far right.
No sparrowhawks Mel but there is a jay in among the other noisy corvidae.