talking of fortunes, as we were, I wish you

dear reader, good fortunes today and everyday (mine was written in invisible ink, but fortunately I can read between the lines!) now - why don't you. . .


Rimshot said...

"You will never need to worry about a steady income."


I'd rather have true love.

Mel said...

"Your love life with be happy and harmonious."


Well, shoot. LOL What's to complain about with that one?

Hold on.....I can come up with somethin'...... ;-)

mig said...

"I am never bitter, deceptive or petty"! Oh good : )
I am greedy though and therefore I "have executive ability" too. Coo! I never suspected it.

Anonymous said...

"You will find hidden treasures where least expected." Well, that's a good thing, as I'm presently digging for treasures at a game called Treasure Isle. Anyone care to join me??? I'm still open for acquiring some island neighbors...

I, Like The View said...

erm, mine is totally inappropriate - "you have the making of a leader, not a follower". . .

. . .not me at all!!!!

planet brilliant and so suitable!!! I've avoided Farmville, so will avoid Treasure Isle - but I hope you have fun!!

mig you are never any of those things!


Mel but you are happy and harmonious. . . or that's how I see you


shot wouldn't it be great to be happily in love and to not have to worry about money?

oh well!! I can find happinesses in having good friends (like youse guys) and loving being alive and - for the moment - not worrying too much about funds. . .