things I don't "do"

here at any rate I, dear reader, you may recall, have frequently commented that I don't "do" sex/religion/politics in this particular chink of cyber space (and actually, I'm not doing much of those anywhere else at the moment, which is a bit besides the point, but/so if I did write something on any of those topics it wouldn't be very interesting) (altho I'll make a very very small exception to say that, if he hadn't already, Mr G Brown has now either won or lost himself the election by calling an ordinary member of the British populace "bigoted" - I mean, she may or may not be, but whatever one thinks of her, or him for that matter, he really shouldn't have still been miked up when he made that comment) (see, I've said too much already - YIKES!!) (altho I fancy voting for him again now, just because he's shown he's actually not an automaton) (see, I'm just diggin' myself into a bigger and bigger hole. . . but Vicus will have given up reading this afer the first mention of sex, so I'm probably ok)

BUT ANYHOW you don't really need to know my views/opinions on sex, religion, politics, etc, etc, yadda yadda now do you? I've always thought of my encounters with things "not of this world" to be classed closely enough to "religion", not to have mentioned them - but of late Christopher has been pulling me out of that closet. . .

Christopher was telling a tale over at Camp Lydian that is very similar to a tale my mother once told me, about my great-great grandmother. . .

. . .not the great grandmother whose 95th birthday party I went to when I was about seven, which I remember mainly because of the 95 birthday candles on the cake - you know, those traditional little white two-three inch size ones? it's not so much the candles I remember, more the fact that the person (there was only one person) lighting them (silly, wasn't it - having only one person to light 95 candles) started on one side of the cake and by the time he'd worked his way (yes, it had to be a man, didn't it? if it had been a woman, she'd have handed some matches to a few other people, wouldn't she!) over to the ones of the other side, the first lot had burnt down to the bottom and melted the plastic holders all over the icing (I felt very badly for that - I like the icing on the cake). . .

. . .but her mother, who'd lived in the same house. . .

. . .anyhoo a few years later, the great grandmother had died (think she reached 97, but there wasn't another big cake as far as I know) and the house was sold on. . .

. . .and a few years after that sold on again. . .

. . .and shortly after that a neighbour (who had lived locally for quite a while) was asked by the new occupants who the "little old lady" who they frequently saw standing waiting at the bottom of the front garden path was. . . I won't go into the details, of which there were many which were quite accurate, but basically she was my long-time deceased great-great grandmother. . .

. . .you never really believe that type of story unless it has happened to you or unless you already really do believe in some kind of "not of this world" totally non-scienticky sort of stuff, so I'll say no more - other than to add that I have had two brief personal encounters with dead "people" (and I don't mean in a mortuary) (and way before I ever suffered from depression, before I ever took medication and before I had the brain altering ECT; so my encounters cannot be put down to any kind of madness of that sort)

you'll be pleased to know that I've never been abducted by aliens

not in this life-time anyways


Dave said...

Of course, the aliens might have brain-wiped all memory of your abduction.

I, Like The View said...

good point

*scratches head*

I, Like The View said...

ok, I'm worried now. . .

they haven't probed every part of my body have they? you know what people say about aliens and their probes

Rimshot said...

perhaps you're a brain-wiped alien duplicate of your very self and the real you is still cryogenically suspended off-world so as not to raise suspicion.

Vicus Scurra said...

I read it all.

mig said...

I'm so glad you didn't encounter the dead people in a mortuary. I hope they were pleasant encounters.
I've never had any such myself though I do recall being slightly alarmed when a group of giggly girls were holding a seance and the glass we were using to spell out words (one finger each resting lightly on the glass)suddenly broke.

Mel said...

Two encounters..neither 'ooky spooky', truth be told.

It did make me smile to hear about your twice great-gran waiting by the garden. She must have loved that place.

95 candles one at a time?!
Good grief.....LOL

And whoa....he read the whole thing?!
<-- glad!

Sorrow said...

I stand and watch their ships go by and hold up a sign " take me home" but no one ever comes to collect me..

Christopher said...

Thank you. Very interesting indeed. And nothing malevolent about it at all.

Love the spider!

Mel said...

SPIDER!!!!! :-)

Studley would be proud!

I, Like The View said...

Mel there are penguins too. . . and a Newton's Cradle (which I want, but it's not for blogger. . . *sniff*)

Christopher there is more to that tale, of course, as there is always is. . . but nothing malevolent. . . writing it down (my mother told me the tale) reminded me of when I used to phone my mother (after I'd moved away from home) and upon lifting the receiver to dial would find that she had just phoned me and I'd picked up the phone without it even having rung. . . or vice-versa

. . .that happened far too many time for it to be conincidence

Mel I'm astounded that the dear sweet man actually commented too!!

mig I only did that once, with a girl from school - a whole pile of books on the other side of the room fell over, we were both totally spooked!!!

Vicus I hope I didn't offend you

shot so who is this me?

Dave said...

I don't like the spider. Not sure Ziggo likes the hole in her screen where I hit it, either.

I, Like The View said...

for you, dear Dave, I might be persuaded to swap it to a stingray. . .

. . .possibly

mig said...

I have to keep feeding the hamster cos I can't bear to see him running round and round all the time!

mig said...

Oh it's ok, he's gone to sleep now. Phew!