Friday (again?!?!?)

(how did that happen!?!?!?!)

all week I've known exactly what we're having today. . . it might not be to everyone's taste, but if you do like it, it's delicious
(homemade elderflower cordial) (with tap or fizzy water?) (ice?)
POSTSCRIPT: just for Vicus (but I'm sure he won't mind sharing)


Dave said...

Water's fine, actually.

Vicus Scurra said...

Yes, water is fine when you choose the correct nozzle adjustment on your hosepipe.

Fizzy water please. Are we having strawberries too?

Christopher said...

J. is about to make some, just as soon as our elder* is in full flower. Do you have a particular recipe?

(Not to be taken in a Church of Scotland sense.)

Mel said...

I'm game!
Himself assures me one should at least TRY new things.

As long as it doesn't taste like a flower, I'm good with it....maybe..

I, Like The View said...

Mel it doesn't taste of a flower, altho it does taste the same as elderflowers smell. . .

. . .if you can work that one out!

Christopher I used to make it when we lived in Shropshire, with flower heads gathered as the sun rose and whilst still covered in dew. . . lots of sugar seemed to be involved but apart from that I can't remember the details

just recently I've noticed lots of elder shrubs flowering in gardens and overhanging the walls of gardens between I,LTV Towers and the SWsomthingorother High Street - such a heady scent

(not the High Street, the elders)

Vicus how do you know I have a hosepipe, let alone the fact I've been having trouble with its nozzle!

I've prepared some strawberries, just for you

Dave chilled as it comes from the tap, or with icecubes?

Dave said...

I prefer it really cold, but my tooth's still playing me up.

My strawberries are all in flower, will have fruit on them any day. You could come round here for a nibble soon.

Christopher said...

I've been meaning to ask - in confidence, of course - in your b&w photo with gasper and sidelong glance at Vicus' strawberries, have you never thought the neck might benefit from waxing?

Rimshot said...

I hope you don't think me fastidious, but might I trouble you for a cup of Earl Grey instead?

I, Like The View said...

shot the kettle's on. . . hmmmmmmmmmmmmm now I have to decide which mug to offer you your EG in. . .

Christopher is "gasper" slang for fag? and, erm, I think that's plain shadow not five-o'clock-shadow

Dave oh I so hate that, when dodgy molars force one to eat/chew/drink/slurp on one side of the mouth only

nibbling, on the other hand, only requires nimble lips and delicate bites using the incisors

Christopher said...

Gasper = fag, yes. First World War slang, don't know why I use it. 5 o'clock shadow or delicate bites using the incisors?

I, Like The View said...

*yawns and stretches*

morning Dave!

ah, Christopher. . . my education continues. . . if I knew how to airbrush, I'd remove the offending darkness

Dave said...

Perhaps you could remove the offensive fag too.

I, Like The View said...

I find the smoke deters offensive midges. . .

. . .but I do get your point

however it's my one and only bad habit - and you can't expect me to be perfect, can you?

mig said...

Ooh may I have the recipe please? (for the elderflower)

I, Like The View said...

see, mig, that's my problem - I walk past these beautiful budding flowers each day and yet I can't remember what to do with them! apart from mush them up with lots of sugar (and presumably add some water?)

oooh!! I've googled it, forgot some minor details. . .

here's how Sophie Grigson makes hers:

20 heads of elderflower
1.8kg granulated sugar, or caster sugar
1.2 litres water
2 unwaxed lemons
75g citric acid

1. Shake the elderflowers to expel any lingering insects, and then place in a large bowl.

2. Put the sugar into a pan with the water and bring up to the boil, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved.

3. While the sugar syrup is heating, pare the zest of the lemons off in wide strips and toss into the bowl with the elderflowers. Slice the lemons, discard the ends, and add the slices to the bowl. Pour over the boiling syrup, and then stir in the citric acid. Cover with a cloth and then leave at room temperature for 24 hours.

4. Next day, strain the cordial through a sieve lined with muslin (or a new j-cloth rinsed out in boiling water), and pour into thoroughly cleaned glass or plastic bottles. Screw on the lids and pop into the cupboard ready to use.