It's empty in the valley of your heartThe sun, it rises slowly as you walk away from all the fearsAnd all the faults you've left behind The harvest left no food for you to eat You cannibal, you meat-eater, you see, but I have seen the same I know the shame in your defeatCause I have other things to fill my timeYou take what is yours and I'll take mine Now let me at the truth which will refresh my broken mind So tie me to a post and block my earsI can see widows and orphans through my tears I know my call despite my faults and despite my growing fearsSo come out of your cave walking on your handsAnd see the world hanging upside down
You can understand dependence when you know the maker's handSo make your siren's call and sing all you wantI will not hear what you have to say 'cause I need freedom now
And I need to know how to live my life as it's meant to be And I will hold on hope and I won't let you choke on the noose around your neck
And I'll find strength in pain and I will change my ways I'll know my name as it's called again


Dave said...

I'm sure you're right.

Christopher said...

Wonderful photos, an inspiration! Where do you get them from?

Zig said...

First-Born told me about this band but I can't remember why . . . I think she said they were awesome.
Lovely imagery - I don't know how you do it :)

I, Like The View said...

ZiggZ I heard the tune on an ad. . . or a trailer. . . or perhaps it was House?

so googled the lyrics. . .

. . .and when I was looking for images, the second line struck me as the one to go with


Christopher I have literally thousands of pictures/photos (mainly saved from google imaging strange combinations of words!!) which I search thru. . . I've so many now that I have to be really organised about how I label them so that I can find them again

I don't steal people's flckr images of personal photos (not on purpose anyhow) but try and find ones that are on more corporate websites, if you see what I mean

Dave I doubt it

mig said...

What an absolutely gorgeous selection. Music and images.

Mel said...

k... made me tearful this morning...

I don't consider that a bad thing, really.....

((((((((((( ILTV ))))))))))