Dave said...


Rimshot said...

now THAT'S funny! :D

Spadoman said...

I don't get it.

Mel said...

The socks match.


<-- wears oppo socks dontchaknow!

Sorrow said...

Nope new shoes!
size 15 for the manchild,
and butterfly tennies for ME!!!

katherine. said...


I was hoping I beat mel here so I could make a comment about her unmatched sock wearing....


Christopher said...

I do feel sorry for Spadoman, but I suppose you can't be that good-looking and be quick on the uptake at the same time.

Spadoman said...

I WILL make a comment about Mel's unmatched socks. I mean, she has to have another pair just like 'em at home, right?
You shoulda said something Katherine!

Now I get it. Zebras really don't wear socks, do they?
Is that it? Did I get it?

Thanks Christopher, about time someone mentioned my good looks. But what's uptake? That a Brit thing?

Peace and love to all.

mig said...


I, Like The View said...

I'll just leave you all to laugh amongst yourselves. . .
