Dave I shall make more of an effort to update and rearrange the ephemera to keep you satisfied. . .
. . .a stimulating blog could be like Duchamp's Box in a Valise, don't you think? (here) (and how reassuring that Vicus proposes that nothing really has to make sense - it's getting clearer and clearer as I progress)
I knew what you were talking about straight away, but then I got side tracked when you said "What are you people like" which made me think of Buffalo Stance by Nena Cherry.
But my baby don't love nobody
but me, nobody but me
Yes everybody wants my baby
But my baby don't want nobody
but me, that's plain to see!
I'm his sweet Judy
and he is my loving man!
No time to do his duty,
loves me like no other can!
Now when my baby kisses me
upon my rosy cheeks
I just let those kisses be,
don't wash my face for weeks!
whatever ...
Okay-- Can I be the first to say I have NO clue what you're talking about?!
So....okay, but....LOL
How about 'if you insist'?
Does that work--or is that too close to a 'whatever'? :-/
OH!!! And you're back!! YEAH!!!!
I do hope you had a lovely time of it with NOBGM or whatever the letters are....LOL
Can I be the second to say I have NO clue what you're talking about?
the poll!!!!!!!!
Oh, are we supposed to read the sidebar too?
too? too!
(like your new header, btw, very very much - love a chalk horse me)
YOU VOTED NO!!!!!!!!!!!
*sobs in desolation*
If you had a poll I'd have to spot it in all the delightful ephemera that hides on the side of your blog.
The white horse is not a million miles from Ziggo's place. In real life I mean.
Please do not be upset by all of the rather abrupt comments above. Not making sense should never be a bar to composing a first rate blog, in my view.
LOLOL And I thought it was a bit from a private conversation about how many kisses (also known as x's! LOL).
I'm so glad to hear it's about the poll! *whew*
Hold on.
Dave doesn't want name his hamster?
k...that's just sad....
named already, dearheart
(Horatio, don'tchajustknowit!!)
Vicus I like your view
Dave I shall make more of an effort to update and rearrange the ephemera to keep you satisfied. . .
. . .a stimulating blog could be like Duchamp's Box in a Valise, don't you think? (here) (and how reassuring that Vicus proposes that nothing really has to make sense - it's getting clearer and clearer as I progress)
I knew what you were talking about straight away, but then I got side tracked when you said "What are you people like" which made me think of Buffalo Stance by Nena Cherry.
Oh surrrreeee.....leave it to Shot to brag about it.....
Hey. I'm good with Horatio.
But PLEASE tell me we don't haffta poke his eye out and chop off his little paw.....pleasepleaseplease!!
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