"oranges and lemons" say the Bells of St. Clement's
"you owe me five farthings" say the Bells of St. Martin's
"when will you pay me?" say the Bells of Old Bailey
"when I grow rich" say the Bells of Shoreditch
"when will that be?" say the Bells of Stepney
"I do not know" say the Great Bells of Bow
here comes a candle to light you to bed and here comes a chopper
to chop off your head, chip chop chip chop - the last man's dead
(some mistake, surely? Ed)

to chop off your head, chip chop chip chop - the last man's dead

so, I'm baking again! what are the chances of the POVS actually being interested in my cooking? well, it doesn't really matter. . . apparently this cake improves if carefully wrapped, so I can always save a slice for you, dear reader, for your Friday treat. . .
. . .can't I
"The reason for the sinister last three lines of the lyrics of Oranges and Lemons is easily explained: they were added to the original rhyme, some time before 1783 when the infamous public execution gallows* (the Tyburn-tree) was moved from Tyburn-gate (Marble Arch) to Newgate, a notorious prison for both criminals and debtors, hence 'when will you pay me?'.
"As the words to the poem indicate, the unfortunate victim would await execution on death row and would be informed by the Bellman of St. Sepulchre, by candle light, hence 'here comes the candle to light you to bed', at midnight outside their cell, the Sunday night prior to their imminent fate.
"*The origin of the saying 'on the wagon' - meaning a person has stopped drinking alcohol - derives from the transportation of prisoners Tyburn Gallows on a wagon, they were allowed one last drink in a pub on the way to their execution. If offered a second drink by a sympathiser the guard would reply, 'No, they're going on the wagon!'"
. . .can't I
"The reason for the sinister last three lines of the lyrics of Oranges and Lemons is easily explained: they were added to the original rhyme, some time before 1783 when the infamous public execution gallows* (the Tyburn-tree) was moved from Tyburn-gate (Marble Arch) to Newgate, a notorious prison for both criminals and debtors, hence 'when will you pay me?'.
"As the words to the poem indicate, the unfortunate victim would await execution on death row and would be informed by the Bellman of St. Sepulchre, by candle light, hence 'here comes the candle to light you to bed', at midnight outside their cell, the Sunday night prior to their imminent fate.
"*The origin of the saying 'on the wagon' - meaning a person has stopped drinking alcohol - derives from the transportation of prisoners Tyburn Gallows on a wagon, they were allowed one last drink in a pub on the way to their execution. If offered a second drink by a sympathiser the guard would reply, 'No, they're going on the wagon!'"
Yes please. It will go nicely with a cup of tea on my holidays.
Me too, please. I don't mind a reasonably large slice. And - if there's a choice - lapsang, please.
And I must say I do like cucumber sandwiches. But I'm afraid I've never cared for Battenberg cake. And if it's cold with you as it is here, a little buttered toast with patum peperium would be MOST acceptable.
I'm really looking forward to this.
Christopher I really really don't like Battenberg, so you can have an extra large slice of lemon drizzle for having such good taste! and what type of bread for the cucumber sandwiches? and would you like lemon with your Lapsang, or do you prefer it raw?
you'll find this on the shelf in the larder, next to this. . .
Dave you might have to remind me how to make it:
3 oz butter, 6 oz sugar, two large eggs, zest of two lemons, some flour (might have to try and remember how much) and 4 tablspoons milk; bake at 180 for 30+ mins. . . juice of lemons and icing sugar for the drizzle
I also make rather excellent scones, so long as I can find buttermilk; you bring the strawberry jam; I'm sure we'll find a dairy stocking this (the ONLY one worth putting on your scone)
I bought a pot of strawberry jam only yesterday. will have to remember to pack it.
I am replete with date slice, and cannot be tempted by your eggy cake. I hope that this does not damage our relationship.
Vicus I was going to deny the presence of egg in the cake, and then I realised I had already owned up to it. . .
. . .I hope my fickleness doesn't damage out relationship
(what's the recipe for date slice then?)
Dave I have no interest in jam that has been potted by somoeone else and purchased by yourgoodself
I hope this does not damage our relationship
Gentlemans Relish! Ooh! I've not had any of that in years.[I hope the perverted populace is not a-googling!]
And I can supply Vicus with an egg-free ginger cake recipe.
No to Battenberg, but marble cake is pretty.
And will someone please tell Australians that whipped cream is NOT the same as clotted!
I seem tobe eating all my strawberries. There are none left to make jam with.
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