I'm here!! at the cafe!! (no, I'm not the grey haired man in the picture, I'm actually sitting just to the side of the butcher's block at the middle right of the image); and the multitasking? sitting (as explained), drinking (coffee), smoking (fags), reading (paper), blogging (you don't really need an explanation of that one do you?)
crikey - I can't believe I made it ("it" having taken me about an hour: 55 minutes to sort out my aforementioned bag and then 5 minutes to sort out the dongle and its connection to teh webnetinterthingy) and actually, I'm quite in need of a spot of relaxation now, so if you'll excuse me I'll leave you alone for a bit while I recover. . .
How did you manage to take a photograph of yourself from so far away?
I dislike quoting myself. . . but you seem not to have read the small print: "(no, I'm not the grey haired man in the picture, I'm actually sitting just to the side of the butcher's block at the middle right of the image)"
I hope this helps
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. . .
. . .that may have been a slightly hasty reply, as upon rereading I realise that your comment still applies
You sophisticated city-dweller.
It's all too much for me to take in. I need a nap.
Unlike some, I have never taken you for a grey-haired man. (You're quite at liberty to take me for one, though.) I'm still wondering who took the photo, though.
Well, I'm not wondering about any of that.
And I see you recovered nicely! (yup....I cheated and scrolled! LOL)
I'M grinning happily...glad for the new adventures--even if you can't crop photos....yet.... (I have faith that'll come in time, even!) I mean, geeze--you figured out the dongle whozitthingy! :-)
Gosh....I'm so proud....
No, I didn't take you for a grey haired man, and as a herbivore I am unfamiliar with "butcher's blocks".
Is that like writer's block? Finding oneself suddenly unable to squeeze the life out of an innocent animal entirely in order to satisfy one's gross appetites?
Vicus writer's blocks are when/where one fails to chop up the alphabet into little bits and pieces and rearrange it according to one's requirements; alhpabet tumble blocks have letters already printed on them, but there are never enough vowels; butcher's block is the fancy name for a piece of kitchen furniture used for storage of napkins and cutlery
Mel it was all a bit of a palava, but I did enjoy it!!
Christopher I'm not sure who took the photo, but Mrs Google Image kindly shared it with me
shot I hope you had one
Dave city-dweller, possibly, sophisticated, possibly not (or was that sophisticated-city dweller?)
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