a change is as good as a rest! so, I'm vaguely

toying with the idea of flirting with dating againremind me, dear reader, just what are the pros and cons of a relationship. . .. . .before I give up on the whole thing once and for all. . .
. . .please!


Mel said...

You want an answer?

From me--the one 'most likely NEVER to be involved in a relationship again'?!

You wouldn't believe me if I told ya....


It's effortless 'work'.
It's easy.
It's fun.

All I haffta do is love how I wanna.

*laughing* Aren't you glad you asked?!

Zig said...


Men eh? Can't live with them, can't ...

kill them, well not legally.

Go on, give it a whirl, you might find you enjoy it :)


Christopher said...

As Zigs says, exactly - but not with the Young Woodley in the painting, who seems curiously incomplete compared with his friend.

Spadoman said...

Seriously, what does dating have to do with relationships?
Go on a date without looking for, expecting or necessarily wanting a relationship and let your life, lovliness, beauty and personality bring you what it may.
You are a wonderful person. Let that speak for you.
Nothing else to think about on this one.
I know I am just another blogger and we joke and say smart remarks to each other, but there are some that have told me I am wise. It is from this pulpit I say this to you, not the jocular one I usually stand on.


Mel said...

Gotta love Spadoman who has an excellent point.

Dave said...

I'm sorry you live so far away. I never got the chance to buy you an ice-cream/coffee/coffe ice-cream.

mig said...

'Man has it exactly right.
Let the dating be its own reward. And rest assured that your date will be rewarded by your company. If he deserves it.
(((((((((( I ))))))))))

Have fun!!!