so, what makes a wedding? the guests, the hats. . .

senior bridesmaids in teal. . .. . .Mini-Teen in cream; The Mother Of The Bride in coral:The Teens in vintage and Wayfarers(Teen Too wished he'd accepted my offer of the purchase of
a bowler hat to go with his pin-stripe city suit jacket)
(The Teen was much photographed in his topper!)
(everyone envied their canes)

The Teen wasn't the only one in a hat. . .
my lot (!)
looking rather serious
and later, laughing during the speeches


Zig said...

they are gorg!

Sorrow said...

Very snazzy!

Anonymous G said...


Your lot!!!!

Oh my...

They're. so. beautiful!


practically speechless

I, Like The View said...

G thank you thank you


sorrow it's amazing, the transformations that take place when a teen is motivated


(and this on, actually, is a reflection of the highest esteem in which they still hold the bride - a much loved "babysitter" from their childhoods)

ZiggZ I think so too!!!


Mel said...

She's gorgeous. And the dress--perfect!
As for the fellas--handsome lot. And I do like the hat/canes. 'Zactly what was needed! They do look 'all that and a bag of chips'!

Gotta love the mom's hat.

Oh my.....what a wonderful affair. And I'm glad they all got to be a part of it--as I'm sure was the very special gal who got to be a part of their 'growing up' lives.


You can be proud, mom.

I, Like The View said...

I am proud - it was their first wedding and the first time as teens that they've been exposed to so many unknown adults

I'm amazed that they all carried themselves off with so much charm and dignity, actually!!

more details later, but the bride did tell me that it meant the world to her that we were there

and to see her and be there and hear that meant the world to me

Christopher said...

Great kids. Style, individuality, poise. They do you credit!