"off with their heads"
having three children means that I've done my stint with seven years each at primary school and the requirements it places on a parent - it was with a sigh of relief on my part when, one by one, my three moved up to secondary school, as it meant that I, so I thought, would NEVER AGAIN have to contribute to World Book Day; don't get me wrong, I'm all for it - books and reading (as you know) and I initially enjoyed the primary school aspect of this one special day, as, being the middle-class well-meaning mother I was, my children had a very well equipped dressing-up box; what I wasn't up for was the competitive nature of prizes for best costume: what happens to children whose mother's are not able to provide a proper dressing up box? hardly fair to penalise the child, is it!
at secondary school the pressures are even worse no longer is every mother quivering and shaking in her proverbial footwear as to whether or not her small beloved(s) will be at least recognisable and at best prize-winning. . . no no no it's far worse than that, one quivers and shakes as one waves goodbye to the child on the doorstep, as they not only have to survive the day having first travelled to school on public transport but then are subject to peer pressure (teen peer pressure is almost the same as the pressure middle class mothers place upon each other, only far far worse)
over the years, between my three, we've had a prize-winning hat wearing cat. . .

a prize-winning rather cleaner and less smelly version of one of my own childhood favourites. . .having three children means that I've done my stint with seven years each at primary school and the requirements it places on a parent - it was with a sigh of relief on my part when, one by one, my three moved up to secondary school, as it meant that I, so I thought, would NEVER AGAIN have to contribute to World Book Day; don't get me wrong, I'm all for it - books and reading (as you know) and I initially enjoyed the primary school aspect of this one special day, as, being the middle-class well-meaning mother I was, my children had a very well equipped dressing-up box; what I wasn't up for was the competitive nature of prizes for best costume: what happens to children whose mother's are not able to provide a proper dressing up box? hardly fair to penalise the child, is it!
at secondary school the pressures are even worse no longer is every mother quivering and shaking in her proverbial footwear as to whether or not her small beloved(s) will be at least recognisable and at best prize-winning. . . no no no it's far worse than that, one quivers and shakes as one waves goodbye to the child on the doorstep, as they not only have to survive the day having first travelled to school on public transport but then are subject to peer pressure (teen peer pressure is almost the same as the pressure middle class mothers place upon each other, only far far worse)
over the years, between my three, we've had a prize-winning hat wearing cat. . .

but back to today - the boys aren't at school (something to do with teachers needing training) and even if they were I'd think there'd be a revolt about having to wear clothes dictated by a book; Mini-Teen has decided to go for the costume of the film of the book, rather than do it properly (she sorted the costume herself, I wasn't going to quibble) (altho I did have to spend almost an hour in hair and make-up with her) (at seven o'clock in the morning) (ho hum) (my other contribution was to make a flamingo croquet mallet for her, altho - sensibly - I'd prepared that one earlier in the week)
and who did she go as, I hear you ask! you can't guess?
off with your head!
who would you
dress up as?
Biggles, of course.
Well, I do remember my mother stitching red cellophane hearts around the hem of a white silk dress for me. And to top it? A very mediaeval-looking head-dress of cardboard, white muslin curtain, more cellophane hearts and, piece de resistance - a tray of freshly-baked jam tarts (yes, they were heart-shaped!)for the party table.
I think it was a Sunday School party.
60 years ago we didn't have World Book DAy.
Ughh...that teen peer pressure is a son of a gun.
NOT that the mom pressure is that darn easy!
We don't have 'World Book Day'--but we DO have Halloween!!
And since we know it's coming for a whole year, we have a year to prepare for it!
I must say the kiddos had awesome costumes. But that's probably more about me than them...LOL
The girl still talks about her witchy costume--and the rabbit one. (they weren't 'allowed' scary ones, dontchaknow.. "mean mom with dumb rules" that I was/am! LOL)
I've never heard of World Book Day either.
Me, I'd probably decline the dressing up thing. :(
I seem to remember world book day but no dressing up. All our kids school did was a rather sad little book fair. Even more sadly we already had all the good books.
However I've just read a book called The Looking Glass Wars. I don't recommend it - the original was much better.
The Invisible Man.
I thought I wrote a comment the other day, but I don't see it. Probably dreamt it.
Anyway, it was just that Mrs. Spadoman has the creative side when it comes to this sort of thing. She did it with our daughters and she continues with the Grand kids.
I do buy books for my Grand son who is an avid 10 year old reader. He gets into character when he reads. He'll wear a cape or have some sort of magic wand or weapon, (he likes adventiure series like Ranger's Apprentice). This will change when he finishes the book and starts another.
Hope you are doing good and having a great day.
Okay...whadda the odds of the Moof Monster eating both Spadoman's comment AND mine?!
Who'll I dress up as?
Oh gosh....
I'd have great fun dressing up as a blue fish!
Or....an ephalump!
Oh....an ephalump carrying a dandelion! :-)
Lady Godiva :)
or the one from Banbury
Oh, I missed the point entirely didn't I!
A hedgehog but I can't remember which book that would be.
Mrs Tiggywinkle !
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